Tears of Gratitude

I was not a stellar student in high school; I had a GPA of 2.27. Looking over my transcript to apply for college, I couldn’t help but get hung up on that number. Four years of my life, four years of laughter and tears, summed up in a number. Even more than that, my entire…Read More

Cosplay Highlights: Tauriel

2013 was a really productive year for my cosplay, honestly. I debuted Tauriel in late 2013, which means I did 3 new cosplays that year, not counting what I made for other people. Unfortunately since then, time and money haven’t allowed me to do as many new ones as a lot of other people I…Read More

On Fandom Families

Quick thing first off, I know a lot of you guys find your way here through Instagram; thanks for being here! I usually make Instagram posts whenever a new article goes live so people can see it and it doesn’t just sit in the internet abyss where no one will ever read it. A while…Read More

Little Ones and Little Things

I want to tell you a story. So, when I was really little, I remember going to Disneyland with my family. I was one of those kids with the little bright pink autograph book, bouncing between my favorite princesses to get their autograph and a picture. In the middle of that book, there’s a picture…Read More

More Than Just My Picture

So I’ve been debating writing about this for a while. It doesn’t really seem important, but it’s been on my mind ever since it happened. So here we go. I was on Instagram a while back and I got a message. It was a guy who had obviously been going through my posts, and liked…Read More

Cosplay Highlights: Mystique

After Maria Theresa’s heavy layers and intricate sewing, my next cosplay went the completely opposite direction; I got SUPER into the X-Men in the later part of 2013, and got attached to Mystique. Now, I’d become a pretty competent seamstress by then, so OF COURSE I had to pick the character that involved no sewing…Read More

Hi, Have We Met?

To say I’m bad with names and faces is an understatement. Every time I meet new people, be it at work, at a party, wherever, I almost never remember them. Customers at work always ask me “I was just here ten minutes ago, don’t you remember me?!” I was at a friend’s house once when…Read More

April Fool’s Day 2019

I usually can’t think of anything clever to do for April Fool’s day. But I thought about it this morning, and since Alucard is my most popular cosplay right now, I’d share with you guys all the photos of me acting like a fool from the Alucard shoot. So here’s me flapping my cape, cracking up, chucking pinecones, and otherwise being a dork.

Cosplay Highlights: APH Hungary

So people have always been really interested in asking about the various cosplays that I have done. Whether it’s how something’s made, where I got my wig, how comfortable it is, people want to know. So I thought I would start a series of posts highlighting some of the cosplays I’ve done. I’ll probably start…Read More