Tears of Gratitude

I was not a stellar student in high school; I had a GPA of 2.27. Looking over my transcript to apply for college, I couldn’t help but get hung up on that number. Four years of my life, four years of laughter and tears, summed up in a number. Even more than that, my entire…Read More

Cosplay Highlights: Tauriel

2013 was a really productive year for my cosplay, honestly. I debuted Tauriel in late 2013, which means I did 3 new cosplays that year, not counting what I made for other people. Unfortunately since then, time and money haven’t allowed me to do as many new ones as a lot of other people I…Read More

On Fandom Families

Quick thing first off, I know a lot of you guys find your way here through Instagram; thanks for being here! I usually make Instagram posts whenever a new article goes live so people can see it and it doesn’t just sit in the internet abyss where no one will ever read it. A while…Read More

Cosplay Highlights: Mystique

After Maria Theresa’s heavy layers and intricate sewing, my next cosplay went the completely opposite direction; I got SUPER into the X-Men in the later part of 2013, and got attached to Mystique. Now, I’d become a pretty competent seamstress by then, so OF COURSE I had to pick the character that involved no sewing…Read More

Hi, Have We Met?

To say I’m bad with names and faces is an understatement. Every time I meet new people, be it at work, at a party, wherever, I almost never remember them. Customers at work always ask me “I was just here ten minutes ago, don’t you remember me?!” I was at a friend’s house once when…Read More

Cosplay Highlights: APH Hungary

So people have always been really interested in asking about the various cosplays that I have done. Whether it’s how something’s made, where I got my wig, how comfortable it is, people want to know. So I thought I would start a series of posts highlighting some of the cosplays I’ve done. I’ll probably start…Read More

Old Goodbyes and New Beginnings

Challenge mode: I’m going to write this post without referencing Castlevania and/or Alucard. Think I can do it? (Let’s be honest here, I give it a couple paragraphs before I fold) 2018 has been a long, hard year. I look back on it, and things that happened this January seem so far away, they may…Read More

When Fiction Mirrors Reality

Okay, so I’m going to get super nerdy and personal simultaneously… And this might be a bit of a lengthy ramble, so bear with me. Also, if you have not seen Castlevania season 2 on Netflix and do not want spoilers, READ NO FURTHER. First off, when this little vampire anime popped up on my…Read More

Responsibilities of Being a Parent

Simply creating a child doesn’t automatically make you a parent. Congratulations, you had sex and got pregnant. Good job. That’s just the beginning. I don’t know any perfect parents. Everyone has flaws, everyone has problems, and there’s no instruction manual for raising a tiny human. There’s no flawless, surefire way to know you won’t screw…Read More